Saturday, 10 November 2012

Opinions: World War Z Trailer #1 (and the film in general)

Am I the only one that thinks this has potential?
Film Teaser Poster
          The trailer starts out with Brad Pitt and his family in a car and then shows the world going to hell as the Zombie’s start to take over the world and overwhelm every country across the globe. That’s right it’s a Zombie apocalypse movie, but the difference is this one is based on the book of the same name by Max Brooks author of the well known book The Zombie Survival Guide. This book serves as a sort of sequel to the popular (spoof) guide book and follows the rules and mythology set out within it. However the difficult part in adapting the book to film was in the narrative structure employed by Brooks, which is a series of individual accounts from various people around the world collected and presented in chronological order. Not a very film friendly narrative, so I liked the decision to have the movie focus on a UN worker whose job is to collect any information that may be useful to help stop the spread of the disease and find a cure, which allows the story to maintain its world scope and have certain characters/stories from the book shown in the film.
Book Cover
          Some people have taken issue with the vibe of the trailer which has a Cloverfield/I Am Legend feel to it, saying we don’t need another New York disaster movie and I think the New York scene could just be the first fifteen/twenty minutes of the movie, equally it could be a large chunk of it, but it’s too soon to judge that. Other’s have complained about the CGI super strength and fast zombies and while I along with most Zombie fans prefer the deadly slow creeping zombies, I think fast zombies can be just as scary.
          The film has also had a lot of troubles behind the scenes and was originally due out  for around this time this year but has instead been pushed back to next summer so as the final third of the film could be rewritten by Damon Lindelof and Drew Goddard (both from Lost) and reshot. So while I am optimistic about this film, I am only cautiously so but only time will tell and I will be checking this film out next summer. What do you make of the trailer?

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